Healthy Recipes to Lose Weight and Maintain
Recipes that helped me lose over 250 pounds and maintain my Health and fitness journey.
Using Pamela’s Recipes
As I got deeper into my weight loss journey, I spent a lot of time searching for healthy recipes for weight loss. This was a challenge and sometimes frustrating. There are so many recipes claiming to be good for weight loss and low calorie, but as I learned about macronutrients and caloric intake, I was able to determine what was best for my journey. When people start weight loss, they often think food has to be boring or bland, which was my experience. I tried new recipes and learned to count the calories in the meals I was making. It made me more confident in my eating habits. I hope you enjoy some of these healthy recipes for weight loss.
These recipes provide a base for healthy eating, but can be adjusted for your tastes. I provide some ideas, but there are several ways to make your own creations out of the recipes provided. Try different variations and make these your own. Go on a culinary exploration!
I will add more recipes as I get pictures or try new recipes.
Meal Prepping on a Budget
When I meal prep, I try to stick within a certain budget. I usually plan meals for the week based on sales I find, especially for meat and fruit. But I also choose a recipe because I have a craving for it or want to try a new recipe. Then, I make adjustments to fit my dietary and budgetary needs. For instance, I get sick from eating red meat. There are several substitutes for red meat. I have grown to like cauliflower steaks, turkey bacon, salmon/chicken burgers and turkey/chicken meatloaf. While it’s not the same, these substitutions allow me to eat some of my favorite meals without many concessions.
Meal prepping should not be overwhelming. Each week I have a set budget for shopping. I make a list of ingredients needed. At the store, I look for deals on food items that can be stored or frozen, but I do my best to stick to my budget. If you have room in your freezer or pantry, storing items that are on sale can support your budget later in the month. For instance, if I get meat on sale, I use it for the next time or few times I meal prep.
If you can, buy food in bulk. Items like tuna, oats, rice, ground meat and pancake mix store well and are great for meal prepping. Buying in bulk saves me time and money throughout the month, sometimes two. I’m single, so I can make items stretch for quite a while. These items can be used in multiple recipes, just think outside the box or look for recipes online where they can be used.
Learn more about meal prepping as a beginner.
Eating Out is Still an Option
Planning meals, budgeting and meal prepping doesn’t mean you can’t eat out. Splurge on takeout or visit a restaurant every so often. Although cooking at home and meal prepping has save me money, helped me control portion sizes and what I am putting into my food, I still go out. I visit a restaurant or get takeout two or three times a month. My personal choice is to not visit fast food places, but there is nothing wrong with eating at one. Treat yourself!
While you treat yourself to a meal out you can still focus on eating healthy. When I plan to go to a restaurant, I look at the menu before I leave my house. If you’re like me, when the waiter/waitress comes I put pressure on myself to give an order. If I’m with friends, I may not spend too much time examining the menu. Planning what to eat before leaving the house allows you to watch your calorie intake, while still enjoying yourself. Remember, if you get off on your calorie intake for a day, two or longer, you didn’t fail. Reset. Restart.
Tip: If you don’t use all your meal prep meals for the week, they can be frozen for up to three months.
More information about eating out on a diet.